
If a trademark application is subject to third-party opposition, our attorneys will analyze the merits of the opposition, advice on the pros and cons of entering into a settlement and, in cases where a settlement is not warranted, vigorously contest the opposition. As a proprietor of a trademark, it is prudent to be vigilant and prevent identical/ closely similar marks from proceeding to registration. Our dynamic trademark watch service will ensure that clients are notified when an identical/ closely similar mark is published in the Trademarks Journal – offering the opportunity to a client to oppose the mark and prevent it from proceeding to registration. Our attorneys also advise on the chances of successfully opposing a published mark, any other action which may be initiated against the applicant and the pros and cons of entering into a settlement.

Whether it is drafting opposition pleadings, presenting oral arguments at opposition hearings or negotiating settlements in opposition matters - our attorneys are trained, experienced and competent to protect your legal and commercial interests.

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